Working Time
- Mon-Thu 08:00 - 20:00
Friday 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday 08:00 - 18:00
Contact Info
Phone: 012-752-56660
. - info@gnhpalwal.com
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Gynaecology & Obstretrics Department
Gynaecology & Obstretrics
- The Department of Gynaecology & Obstretrics offers comprehensive services with the support of highly qualifies,experienced & skilled consultants who understand the specific needs of women,their emotions & anxieties.
- It has facilities for antenatal care. For conducting admission test and for antenatal fetal monitoring the Doppler machine is available.
- A state of the art labour room is available . It has all means for instrumental deliveries. It also has a Boyle’s apparatus in case of emergencies. A Pediatric resuscitation area with warmer is situated within the labour room for essential & immediate care. A nursery for the newborn is available to guide the mothers with their newborns. Anaesthesia department assistance is available for epidural and labour analgesia.
- In the field of Gynecology the department has facilities for state of art endoscopic surgeries to be performed. In addition, we have the latest Pathology / Microbiology and Haematology along with Biochemistry labs which are available round the clock. Trained staff in every department right from Nursing to the O.T. and residential staff make sure that every patient has a memorable stay in the Hospital.
- Also the Neonatology department services are available round the clock for the pre-term babies. The NICU department has state of the art machine & ventilators are available for the needs of the pre-term babies. The department also offers family planning services for the patients.